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About Us

Want automatic and cheap driving lessons in Melbourne? Then contact Punjab Driving School which specialises in providing automatic and cheap driving lessons in Melbourne. Punjab Drive, the experts for new learners, refresher lessons, overseas license conversions and senior drivers.Punjab Drive caters for the significantly changed learning and test criteria. Punjab Driving School’s team of experienced and patient driving instructors are ready to help take you from theory to practice with the least amount of difficulty. We quickly assess your skill level and tailor your driving class to address your individual needs. Every driving class from our experienced driving instructors ensures results come fast. We will have you licensed and on the road in no time. 

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Our Mission

Idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed account of system expound the actual teachings.

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Our Vision

Know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful nor again is there anyone or pursues.

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Live Values

Occasionally circumstances occur which toil & pain can procure some great pleasure to take trivialexample which of us ever.

Our Features

Learning Roads

Learning Roads

People who already have strong trust relships with you, who is ...

Unlimited Support

Unlimited Support

People who already have strong trust relships with you, who is ...

Driving Insures

Driving Insures

People who already have strong trust relships with you, who is ...

Quick Licence

Quick Licence

People who already have strong trust relships with you, who is ...

Endless possibilities & opportunities.

Anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.


History In Words

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